Saturday, 18 February 2012


Our only snow this year

Tonight is the first night I have had some alone time since before my little man was born.  I managed to get Narina to bed by 8, which considering last night it was 10, I am thrilled, and Esben is sleeping beside me on a pillow.  I have been alone with the kids for a few days now, something I am coming to cherish.  It allows me the space to connect with each of them.  It makes me a more present mama. I have really enjoyed crafting and running and doing yoga with Narina.  I think we have both enjoyed playing with Esben on his sheepskin rug in front of the fire. We have visited friends and managed to get a lot of chores done.  It has been a very productive few days.  Something that I have been missing over the past few months is the moment at the end of the day to reflect on the beauty that surrounds me. I have a list of things to think about, which sounds strange, but as a new mother of 2 and a chronic virgo analyzer, I miss the introspection to learn from my mistakes and acknowledge the ways in which I am stronger. 

Everyone loves a list (don’t they?)

Esben in his wonderful woolens
This is what I am thankful for:

  • My friends K and J gave birth to a beautiful boy who is finally home. 
  • I may get the use of my sewing room back this week.  It has been used for storage of our living room contents while we recovered from the flood that happened two days before Esben was born.
  • I have seen the bottom of the laundry basket for the first time in months.
  • My daughter singing the food blessing louder than our teacher at our Waldorf toddler group.

Narina enjoying the snow for the first time.  Last year it freaked her out.

This is what I would like to do for myself in the near future:

  • Get the shop up and going again.
  • Start knitting the kids some overalls (learn how to read knitting patterns)
  • Start a regular reading ritual again
  • Finish off all thank you notes from the last 3 months
  • Have a date with my man (kids sleeping in the background)

What I am so very excited about:

  • I received my prospectus for the Early Years Waldorf Training program. I won’t be applying until next year, but I am very excited about this shift in my life. 


  1. So nice to "see" you again Rachel! And I agree - lists are wonderful! I'm having a giveaway on my blog for Kathy's e-book. You should come and comment so you can be in the running - it is all about mama care.

  2. Thank you Mel. I am glad you managed to read Kathy's e-book. I would love to read it as well. Fingers crossed!


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!