Wednesday 13 July 2011

Face scrub

A daily blog read of mine is While Tangerine Dreams.  There are a few different reasons I love this blog.  Kathy is Canadian, living in a part of Canada that I spent some time in as a child.  She is from the same city as I grew up in and is friends with a friend of mine from high school (which is how I found out about her).  She is into fiber and fabric and is homeschooling her daughter in a Waldorf style without taking herself too seriously.  She writes fondly of her family and husband and of their adventures in homesteading.  From time to time she busts out with a great recipe and I usually think I will get around to trying that once I have a few of the ingredients to hand, and never do.  This time I had them all, right there on the same shelf.  So I knocked out some "cleansing grains", or exfoliating facial wash.  This is Kathy's recipe: 

1/2 cup of finely ground almonds
1/2 cup ground oats
1/4 cup chamomile
1/4 cup poppyseeds
10 drops of lavender essential oil
I washed my face with it the first night and thought there was way too much poppyseed in it for regular use.  So I ground up a half cup more oats and mixed it into 3/4 of my concoction and saved the other 1/4 as a once weekly intensive scrub. It does feel and smell amazing, that is for sure.  I highly recommend the experience.  


  1. my face would def appreciate something like this!!!
    I have to look back tnhrough my emails; hmmm....I am hoping ti didnt get lost! Thanks for getting in touch, friend:) much love to you:)

  2. Let me know if you don't find it and I will resend it. It was sent to the email addy you have posted on your blog. xx


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!