Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Whats being made around here....

 Life has been full, as it always seems to be.  I have started volunteering in a Steiner community for people with special needs in the weavery.  I am so happy to be involved and following my dreams.  To be working again, and as a Steiner handcrafter! Well, it is something I have been working towards for a while.  There have been a lot of projects on the go around here as well.  

I have been:

Spinning with friends...

 Spinning alone..

Knitting a scarf...

Setting up looms...

Sewing hand puppets for a loved one..

Getting a matching handmade bracelet from Narina for mother's day..

Crafting with the family...

Making root children ginger cookies for craft group morning...

And last but not least, and perhaps the most exciting thing of all, I finished knitting a vest for the kids out of my own handspun yarns.  All that is left now is the wooden buttons that Daddy and the kids made together!


  1. So wonderful! I want to see the wooden buttons!!!

  2. Rachel... I posted a button picture. We had a lot of fun making these simple buttons. Lets see how they hold up.

    Mel... Sounds like you have been busy!! I am really enjoying the process of spinning to knitting lately. I hope my knitting improves so I can get into lace work shawls. The vest pattern is on Ravelry and its called Colin's vest. Very simple. I made the largest size and it fits Narina at 3 years. http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/colin-vest


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!