Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Getting caught up

Oh little blog, I have neglected you!   It is what it is, though. Life has been busy.  I have been rounding up the end of my dolly list for this new year.  I have one left to do now and then I am open for orders again and I can try restocking my very bare store. 

I have been so busy learning.  Learning how to slow down my family, while speeding up my knowledge intake.  Having my husband home after a long job away, has allowed me to take snippets of time away from the house.  Something that has been so rewarding.  I have been learning how to spin wool!  Well, as my friend and teacher Libby has instructed, I am learning each stage involved in spinning.  I have learned to sort, card and then drop spindle my wool.  Then last week I had a go on a wheel.  What heaven that was.  It is an amazing thing to create your own wool.  Perhaps similar to eating your own vegetables out of the garden, it gives a primal feeling of providing warmth. 

I have also been asked to volunteer at a local Steiner home for people with special needs.  In the weavery!  I will be able to learn how to thread looms and get to know a whole new circle of people interested in crafting while I am doing it.  What heaven. Speaking of heaven, look at our back garden.  Isn't it beautiful.  We had a nice covering of snow this week. Many things stopped and slowed down.

Lastly, but very close to my heart, a few of my dolls went to India recently.  A friend brought them to a new Waldorf kindergarten in Tamil Nadu. There were a few of my older dolls, the first ones I made, that I never sold.  I was so happy at the thought that they would have a home and be well played with.  Below is one of the photos I received when my friend returned.  I have learned a lot about the power of giving dolls lately.  They are powerful little love cuddles.  Seeing this photo gave it right back to my heart.  Selling online really doesn't allow you to see how children respond to your dolls so every photo of a child playing with a doll I have made moves me to no end.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful, the dolls your garden and a new venture, you are one kind person. cheers Marie


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!