Tuesday 5 April 2011

Happy Birthday Honey!

I'm behind in posting.  I have some pretty major stuff happening here.  Personally, with my family back in Canada and with my dolls.  All of which I am not at liberty to talk about on such a public space, yet all are consuming.  I keep trying to talk about the other things happening in my day and get half way through a post then can't continue without talking about these forbidden topics.  So in this post I am going to dump a whole lotta photos and talk about the special day we had today. Today was Dan's birthday.  Our little family is quite restricted financially right now and we haven't been out on a date since my dear friend Rachel was here and we all went to see Harry Potter.  I have sold a few dolls this past week and used the money to take my man out for lunch and then go to a movie.  It was simple, and to be honest, overstimulating, but so nice to have the day together and celebrate the man I love so much. 

Misty morning on the farm

Daffodils and the beautiful wool art of Marie

Have I posted this already?  Its so damn cute I am going to do so again!

Daddy, Narina, Babydoll, Mummy

Super pink tent full of musical instruments celebrating spring here on the farm!

Reading Mummy's book while she played in the tent.

Long skirts without petticoats anyone?

Daddy's birthday ring

Eating the homemade yogurt Daddy made yesterday!


  1. Beautiful photos, thank you for sharing your day. I do so kno what you mean about beginning a post and not being able to continue. Hope the things you're not able to share dont cause you too much trouble for too long xxx

  2. What a lovely post Rachel,beautiful happy photos, cheers Marie

  3. @bathbomb: Thank you for your thoughts and comment. I appreciate it so much.

    @Marie: Thank you.. they feel happy to me too!


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!