Saturday, 19 March 2011

Waldorf Mums

This is a little poem I came across that has been floating around the web for a few years.  It made me smile...

Waldorf Mums

Waldorf mums wear cotton socks

Woolen sweaters, Birkenstocks.

Waldorf mums have long full skirts,

Big silk scarves and layered shirts.

Waldorf mums have fluffy hair,

They’re kind and firm and make you share.

Waldorf mums drive Volvo cars

And talk of fairies, gnomes, and stars.

Waldorf mums love Waldorf meetings

Where they greet with Waldorf greetings.

Waldorf mums make Waldorf dolls

From purest wool and cotton balls.

Waldorf mums drink lots of tea

Which has been grown organically.

Waldorf mums serve fruits and meats.

Veggies, grains, and not much sweets.

Their favorite word is “nourishing.”

They love to hike and knit and sing.

They leave the gluten out of bread

And make you spend twelve hours in bed.

And if you fall and scrape your knee

They give you rescue remedy!


  1. Oh I am smiling, I had not seen this before, it is rather true though,not sure about the flash car though, ours is an old one. cheers Marie

  2. I know Marie! It is a cute poem. We have a Volvo. It is 17 years old, the passenger side door won't open from the inside, the exhaust just fell off and it blew a head gasket but it still runs! I love Volvos.


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!