Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Waldorf Wednesday: Nurturing Magic

Things are buzzing around here.  I feel the energy of creation around me as I plug away at my custom Waldorf doll sales.  I am just finishing off my last one for this week and am going to pop them in the mail.  This week our Waldorf Wednesday revolves around creating magic.  Laying the framework for traditions to come. Our neighbours recently moved out. Apparently the women who owned the house liked to do ceramics.  They left a pile of old gnomes, fairies and angels scattered around their yard.   They are really roughed up and somewhat on the tacky side, but where there is tacky, there can also be beauty.  While photographing some of my dolls, I came across a fairy.  In the right surroundings she looks beautiful.  I quickly brought it back to our house and placed it in the snowdrop flowers that were just starting to bloom.  I decided that I would move it around the garden during the year, depending on what was growing.  Every day when we go to the car, we pass the fairy, where I have made a point of saying hello or good bye.  Narina now does the same.  A few days ago when she was collecting rocks in a pot she stopped and ran to the front garden where the fairy lives.  She started to give each stone to the fairy, laying them in front of her ceremoniously.  It was quite special for me.  I can see how this will grow into more elaborate rituals as Narina gets older.  Perhaps this will be the fairy that puts little gifts for her in the giant mushroom for solstice... 

I am having so much fun being a mummy.


  1. Beautiful pictures, and I love being a mummy, even thou my children are older. Cheers Marie

  2. Thank you Marie! I just finished your little angel. I will post a picture here before mailing her off today!


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!