Monday, 21 February 2011

On the Farm

We are so lucky to have amazing landlords.  They have such beautiful land and they are open to us enjoying it, which makes me very happy.  It is calving season here.  When we were told we could go see the two newborns I was pretty excited.  By the time we were able to get around to seeing them, there were four.  After giving birth to my own child, I couldn't help but feel a kinship to the mamas in waiting.  Full, big, slow. Except for one calf, the babes were shy and quiet.  The mamas kept guard.  We went with dear friends who were visiting. The kids loved it and loved being able to run freely around the farm.  
You can tell by the last photo, my daughter is smitten.

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Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!