Tuesday 13 December 2011

Oh my

When I had Narina, the months that followed were filled with a baby who fed A LOT, slept a little and wanted constant hugs and snuggles.  I loved each moment and, of course, found some of it hard.  Dan was away so I was very tiered and struggled with my physical recovery.  With Esben's birth came peace.  He is a calm baby who likes to sleep.  He snuggles but also sleeps well on a cushion beside me on the couch.  He feeds well, and during the night, at 2.5 hour intervals exactly.  Esben is an easy baby. 

Life around us seems to be very challenging right now.  Narina has had a chest infection, I have had an infection from the birth, and now Esben seems to have caught Narina's cold.  There is lots of post flood legalities right now that come with renting property instead of owning it, and someone has to do the dishes! Even so, life is starting to become a bit more predictable and that has made it easier around the house.  Hopefully in the next few days we will get our Yule and Christmas decorations up and going. 

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Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!