Thursday 8 September 2011

Brighton Break- Mirror Love

This past weekend we were able to connect with dear friends and old haunts when we were in Brighton and Hove visiting Dan at work.  We ate well, we walked a lot (for a woman who is getting lots of pregnant pubic pain) and we talked enough that my jaw hurt upon returning.  The thing about being away from Dan for any length of time is that the next time he sees me, I always look very different. I don't see this much in my own life because we have a limited amount of mirrors in our home.  One small one in the bathroom and an darkened one that is part of an art piece in the dining room.  I limit mirrors not because I don't like my own reflection but because of the magnetism mirrors have in space.  People can't help but look at themselves.  Myself included.  Then dialog happens.  I have found that by limiting them in my home I have been able to be more authentic and less controlled in my appearance.  Every now and then, though, I get a full body view and see that I look as pregnant as I feel.  Narina, too had a love affair with herself this weekend.  Kissing herself uncontrollably in the long view mirror in our hotel room. 

1 comment:

Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!