Friday 17 June 2011

Our Fart in the Tub

One of the most amazing things about being in my second trimester is the start of the flutters in my belly.  They are so subtle and soft.  I often hear of parents fretting about the lack of attachment they feel for their second child. Truth be told, I was one of them when I was first pregnant, because I remember when I found out about Narina I was ecstatic.  Nearly two years later I am exhausted.  I don't really get ecstatic about anything anymore.  Then I started to quiet my mind and realize that it is a soft elation, one that comes at the perfect moments, to realize our next baby is on the way.  It may be a quick glimpse of my reflection and my growing belly, a kick, or even Narina saying hello to "the baby in mummy's tummy" in the supermarket.  It fills me with light and a very recognizable love.  So for all the kicks that shoot light through my body, I offer this Kimya Dawson song.

Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothie
make mamma a smoothie right now
Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothie
coz when Mama drinks a smoothie little baby goes WILD

And it starts splashing and a-splishn like a school of little fishes
If a school of little fish was in me
Then glub glub glub like a fart in the tub
like a fart in the tub inside of me
and then the head and butt start rollin
like two balls bowling, perfect games on the lanes inside me
then a great big kick up under my ribs
that feels like nothing else
but assures me of the health and the length and the strength of my little baby

Because when baby is feelin lazy
Mama goes crazy thinkin something’s wrong
And then Mama runs to Papa and she sings him this little song

Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothie
make mamma a smoothie right now
Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothie
coz when Mama drinks a smoothie little baby goes WILD

And it starts splashing and a-splishn like a school of little fishes
If a school of little fish was in me
Then glub glub glub like a fart in the tub
like a fart in the tub inside of me
and then the head and butt start rollin
like two balls bowling, perfect games on the lanes inside me
then a great big kick up under my ribs
that feels like nothing else
but assures me of the health and the length and the strength of my little baby

Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothie
make mamma a smoothie right now
Hey Papa, make Mama a smoothiecoz when Mama drinks a smoothie little baby goes WILD

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