Sunday 5 June 2011


Something that many of my close friends have heard me talking about lately is the concept of community.  It is something that I have been craving and something that I know I am lacking.  I am not lacking friends, but rather a collective relationship with the people around me.  There is an investment into community that exists here, but in areas that don’t really fit with our family.  There is the farming community, Land Rover community, the local legion/ pub community, the church community, the school community, the actual village community as a whole (we live outside of it), the business community, horse riding community and the women’s institution… I could go on.  I try to use my cyber community as a way to create the web of like-mindedness that I would like to have in my weekly life and that works well, for the most part.  It has been more recently that  I. Want. More.   So how do you go about finding people who are like-minded?  We go to Steiner fairs, but no one really talks to you (as a newbie).  I sell at Steiner schools, but so far, in each of the fairs I have been to, the tables surrounding mine don’t even know what a Steiner school is.  I am investigating, brainstorming, manifesting.  Right now it looks like Waldorf toddler groups would be the way to go.  They are all about an hour away from me here, but I think the time has come that a once a week drive would be worth it. 

Wish me luck. 

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Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!