Friday 13 May 2011

Missing post

Yesterday I posted some big news here on my blog.  I have no idea where it went.  So instead of posting it quickly again, I am going to take my time and share with you my experience. 

I am pregnant. 

It has been 12 weeks, 8 of which I have known and have only told a very small percentage of people in my life.  Yesterday Dan, Narina and I went to the new hospital in our area and had our first scan.  Everything is looking good and our new addition was welcomed by us all.  He/she even waved. The sonographer was incredible and made our day very special.  My pregnancy has been very smooth.  A little nausea and a lot of tiredness.  Luckily for me, Dan has been home a lot giving me lots of opportunity to nap.  I took a month off of sewing after that last sale so that the times I was awake I could spend with my family.  Narina is still breastfeeding and has reacted to the changes in hormones/ energy with a lot of desperate attachment.  I say desperate because it seems beyond separation anxiety, and almost seems frantic at times.  Both Dan and I are patient with her process and we try to provide a nice rhythm to our day, including lots of time in the garden, to help reassure our little one. 

Yesterday, after our scan, we went to a hotel near to the hospital and used some free coupons for swimming in their warm pool.  We haven't done a family outing for a long time and I have missed them.  It has been a very long time since we were all in a pool together and even though we kept it short, it was a magical way to celebrate our family.  Narina was so happy, giggling and kicking up a storm.  We tossed her and pushed her and bounced all the way down the pool. I spent a lot of time when I was pregnant with her in the pool and after she was a few months old we did a natural swim class for just under a year.  It felt as though the four of us were connecting in the waters that connect us all.  It was a very special day for me.

There is more to say, of course, but I just wanted to introduce our fourth family member:

1 comment:

  1. Amazing news, congratulations to you all. About the missing post? It may be Blogger, yesterday and the day before I experienced problems, there was a complete period of unavailability for all I believe at one stage. My blog even had more issues today that just have to be down to a gremlin or two...

    In any case all good wishes to you x


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!