Monday 2 May 2011

Happy May Day

A few years ago I was married on May Day.  It all took place in an ancient yew forest with our best friends drumming as we exchanged our vows in the form of different types of wood that we crafted together to form a tree. The tree sits on our mantle all year long, reminding us of the ways which we shared our love.  That wedding was a big day in my life for many reasons. To be able to share with your friends and family a love you have waited for, is amazingly powerful.  It will be the last time my father will ever be able to visit where I live (if I continue to live abroad) due to his deteriorating illness.  It was the only time I have ever had my closest friends in on place all at the same time, let alone all of Dan's closest as well.  So as I sit here, amongst all the big events of this week in global news, I touch the yew ring Dan carved for me and am thankful for the chance to feel this love this lifetime. 

Will you accept this piece of Birch as a symbol of  my vow to be loyal to you throughout your life.

Will you accept this piece of Oak tree as a symbol of truth in our communications throughout your life

Will you accept this piece of Hazel tree as a symbol of changes that we will experience and through which I will stand by you.

Will you accept this piece of Ash tree as a symbol of the love that I feel for you now and hereafter.
 Will you accept this ring of Yew tree as a symbol of longevity of our union.

May it last until the stars grow cold.


  1. So beautiful, and what an incredible day it was. We are honored to share in your growing love for eachother. xoxo

  2. Thank you so much Sarada. I am so glad we all grow together.


Play nice kids or no wooden toys and millet for you!