Wednesday 9 February 2011

Waldorf Wednesday: Kinder Lyre/ Pentatonic Lyre Part 1

For Narina's first birthday we were given a Kinder Lyre.  I didn't know anything about lyres prior to having a child and now have only learned a smidgen through different websites and books we have bought.  I will spread the ways that we use our lyre over a few posts.  Some cool things about a kinder lyre, also known as a pentatonic lyre, is that you don't need to know how to play any music and you will still sound beautiful.  Not just sweet, but full on running over the English countryside in a white gown beautiful.  This is because the 7 strings are tuned to a 5 note scale.  It is very calming and even when Narina strums just one string over and over, it is peaceful.  Both Dan and I have learned a few songs and have our own songs that seem to be played over and over.  Two famous examples of  songs played in the pentatonic scale are "I'd like to teach the world to sing" and "Amazing Grace".  Dan busts out the first every now and then and I can't help but think of Coke commercials.

The pentatonic scale is used in a lot of traditional folk music from around the world.  Sometimes when you are playing it you can hear a glimpse of Celtic, Indian, or even Chinese traditional sounds.  It is an expensive gift and one that seems like it should have a special place in our home.  Instead it sits on the back of the couch within reach.  There is nothing better than having it in the background while breastfeeding or hearing Narina strum with vigor and smile with pride.

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